So I haven't been blogging. Just to update you on my life--well, it hasn't been interesting as of late, but my October is quite full...full of BOYS, that is.
So just to inform you, I'm in an all-girls' school. In order to...EXPAND our social circles, we are ENCOURAGED to plan interactions and soirees with all-boys' schools. Lucky me for being put on the documentary committee for BOTH events (whoopee).
This Saturday, I was (forced) to attend a committee meeting with the boys' school. It lasted from 8-12 ON A SATURDAY. Also, my clubhead (for debate) HAPPENED to be in school that day. She called my name from FAR FAR AWAY and EVERYONE (including the boys) TURNED TO LOOK AT HER!
Today, she apologized, laughed, and pinched my cheek.
TO CONTINUE, I went to my aunt's house for lunch. I got dressed there and little did I know, I PACKED THE WRONG SHIRT. So I went to a soiree with a DIFFERENT all-boys' school (there are a lot in our part of the world) with a sleeveless blouse.
I got to see old friends though, and AN OLD RELATIONSHIP MAY HAVE BEEN REKINDLED! :O
Also, have any of you heard of the word JEJE? Well, my cousin (hesuchristi I cannot believe we're related) and my good friend Gab have found JEJEBROS in each other.
It's disgusting.
The day after, my dad picked us up early. We drove ALL THE WAY TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY to an orphanage, where we heard mass (yes....I am Catholic...) and distributed juice and books to the orphans.
So basically, my weekend has been very full.
So are my next 3 weekends which I will be spending in school.
With Boys.